About Us
"I will go before you and level the mountains; I will break down the gates of bronze and cut through the bars of iron" (Isaiah 45:2). To my fellow BossMoms in the community, keep it going! You're doing a great job!
Moktata Kamolool Iroij kon jouj im onaake eo an ñan ña im baamle ko ao. Eta in Jenny, juon jiroñ in Ebon im Arno. Ewor ruo neju ajiri, rej bed im jokwe ippa im baamle eo ao ilo La Grande, Oregon.
Looking at Rita Resell-Konañ Lik now, you might think I came out of the womb knowing I’d be a BossMom--the word itself is much more fitting for me than to be called a businesswoman. Anyway, the answer is No! I started out selling Guam for my late Uncle Hemwell while in school in Oregon. Then we added bwiro in Mejit, iaraj in Ebon, jokmai in Jaluit and more exotic food choices. We still sell them but only when they're available on island. It’s this thought that I can actually earn money on the side that led me here, but this time with ‘mweiuk in Amedka’😂😂😂
I am a mom of two bright children, Rahmatsha (9) and Samuel (5). I dove into this because I wanted to be able to take them to places. Given that living in the States is as expensive as a car, this became my side hustle. However, RitaResell wouldn’t be possible without the help of my late Uncle’s wife, Yitha Bobo and Brother Hyson. I am beyond grateful. Another special kamolool to Mama & aolepen baamle ko ao, borainwot ro Motta for their words of encouragement from time to time. I'm blessed to have a great support system.
It is our goal to become a reliable online shopping platform for our customers in Majuro, Ebeye, Jaluit, Wotje, Arno, and our other neighboring atolls. We made it this far because of you all! We are new so we are always open to new suggestions/recommendations on what you might need. As always, komol tata & happy shopping!